Love Wears A Stetson Wyatt Page 2
“But she’s your kid sister. I’d be crossing that line.”
“Well bro, I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of you two fighting. If you want to ask her out you have my blessing, unless, you don’t have those sorts of feelings for her.”
I took off my hat and ran my fingers through my hair again, before setting it back on my head. Could I cross that line? Could I think of Kenna in a way that wasn’t like a kid sister? Hell yeah, I could. I could still feel her curves on my shoulder and back, as I carried her to my truck.
“Ok, bro I’ll try and treat her different and see if that works. If it does, then I’ll think about asking her out.”
Chapter 3
After my long talk with dad, I went upstairs and took a shower. I was hot and sticky and just need to cool down physically and emotionally. After I was finished, I walked down stairs, wrapped in my dad’s terry cloth bathrobe. I sat at the kitchen table combing my still wet hair.
Dad walked over and placed a large glass full of ice and sweet tea in front on me. I took a large drink and enjoyed the way the ice cold, sweet liquid cooled my insides. I heard the screen door squeaky and then I was hearing footsteps heading toward the kitchen. The next thing I knew, Carson and ah hell…Wyatt was standing in the kitchen before me.
“Dad, you got any more of that sweet tea? It’s really hot out there.”
“Sure it’s in the fridge, you boys help yourself.”
Wyatt hadn’t said a word so far. I watched as Carson went to the fridge and load up two glasses with ice and then filled them with the sweet amber liquid. He walked back to Wyatt and handed him a glass. The kitchen was silent except for the clinking of the ice in everyone glasses. Wyatt seemed nervous and Carson, he just seemed to be amused about something. When Wyatt was done with his sweet tea, he set the glass in the sink, then reached into his pocket and then walked over to me. Stretching out his hand, I could see my keys wrapped in his fingers.
“Here’s your car keys Kenna. If you want Josh to take a look at it tomorrow, I’ll come back over and get them. If you want someone else to work on it, just let me know so I can open the gate for them to get into the back area. We have all your things in the back of the truck, would it be okay if I bring them in or would you like to do it yourself?”
I looked up at Wyatt and for the first time ever something was different about him. Gone was the bossy arrogant man of two hour ago. He seemed nervous and uncertain, which I found rather odd.
“Thank you, Wyatt. Oh and thank you too Carson. If you wouldn’t mind, you could just place the boxes in the living room. I’ve got to dig out some clothes, before I do anything. I can unpack the boxes tonight, when I get the chance.”
I handed the keys back to Wyatt.
“Here you might as well keep my keys. I would really appreciate it, if Josh could take a look at it and see if it’s worth fixing.”
“Okay, Kenna whatever you want.”
Wyatt took the keys, when I offered them and smiled at me warmly. Before I knew what I was doing and could stop myself, I returned his smile. Carson with a smug look on his face walked up to Wyatt and slapped him on the back. The look on Wyatt’s face was strange and seemed almost embarrassed.
“Okay bro, let’s go get my sis’s boxes brought in, so she’s not running around half naked. Sis, which ones has your clothes in them.”
“If you could just bring in the two suitcases first, that would be great. They have all my clothes in them. Thanks.”
“You got it.”
Carson and Wyatt walked out of the kitchen and the next thing I heard was the squeak of the screen door, as they walked back outside. I looked up at my dad and he had a puzzled look on his face.
“I’m not sure, but I think that was the first time I’ve seen Wyatt and you in the same room together for more than two minutes and you weren’t at each other’s throats. It was kind of…….. freaky.”
He walked out of the room chuckling to him as he made his way out the front door to help with the unloading of my things.
I thought about it and dad was right it was kind of freaky. Wyatt not being bossy and pigheaded was really strange. He had treated me like a……….adult, like what I thought and wanted mattered. What was up with that?
I heard the screen door and then Wyatt stepped into the kitchen carrying my two large suitcases. He stopped in front of me, but never put down the suitcases.
“Is it okay, if I take these up to your room?”
“That would be great, thanks. Let me show you which one it is.”
I got up and made my way to the stairs that lead to the second floor. I had only taken about five steps, when Wyatt cleared his throat. I turned around to look at him. He was looking down at the ground and he refused to make eye contact and wasn’t moving. “What’s wrong?”
“Ummmm, Kenna. Ahhhh, you might want me to go first. When you walk up those steps in that bathrobe it…… leaves nothing to the imagination, when it blows out when you take a step.”
OMG! I could feel myself turning red from head to toe. I pulled the bathrobe close to me and put my back to the wall, to let Wyatt pass by. I cleared my throat.
“Wyatt, I didn’t realize it was doing that. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to give you a peep show.”
“Darlin, don’t be sorry, I’m not. It was the best view, I have ever seen.
He gave me a wink and passed by me on the stairs. I stood there for a moment trying to collect myself. Was Wyatt…… flirting with me? No it can’t be possible. I made my legs start moving and walked behind Wyatt up the rest of the stairs. I kind of knew what he was talking about now. Because right in front of my face was the best looking jean clad butt, I had ever seen. I was starring so hard that when Wyatt stopped I almost ran into him. I walked passed him to lead him down the hall and to my old room. I opened the door and stepped out of the way, to allow him to enter first. Wyatt sat my suitcases down and looked around the room.
“Wow this room is like a teenager’s time warp. Look at that there, your old homecoming queen crown and check out all of these posters on the wall. Is that Ricky Martin on that poster?”
He looked at my nightstand and stopped short. I froze in horror. There in a 5” x 7” silver frame was a picture of Wyatt. I had taken the picture, when Carson and he had graduated and Mary Lu Walker had thrown a huge graduation party at the ranch. Wyatt had been clowning around with me and was doing a muscle man pose, hamming it up for the camera.
“Is that me?”
“Carson was right.”
Wyatt just stood there for several moments staring at the photo, like he was in shock or something.
“Carson was right about what? Wyatt, that was years ago. Just a silly teenager girl’s crush, that’s all.”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything to me about it?”
“Wyatt, I tried everything to get you attention, I’ll always be nothing more than Carson’s kid sister, no matter how old I am.”
Wyatt reached up and brushed a strand of hair out of my face. He looked at me with a tender almost bashful expression on his face.
“That’s not true, Kenna. You might be surprised to find out that some things do change.”
“With that, he walked out the bedroom door.”
What did he mean by that?
Chapter 4
How could I have been so blind, it had been right there in front of my face the whole time? I knew there had been a point about thirteen years ago, when our relationship had changed, but it never dawned on me, why. I saw her mature, right before my very eyes and when she started dating, it seemed like our fights became more and more frequent. I had become even more of the bossy arrogant jerk she hated. Why would I do that? You would do that you fool, because you kept your feels for her bottled up inside. You were too afraid to cross that line. You were just flat out jealous.
“Wyatt, bro are you okay?”
I saw a hand waving in fr
ont of my face and realized that I was back at my truck. Carson was standing there looking at me with concern. I took off my hat and ran my fingers through my hair again, this was becoming a really bad habit. After I returned the hat to my head, I took a deep breath and answered my best friend.
“You were right, Carson. You were right. I’ve been blind for years and I’ve also been lying to myself as well.”
“I knew it!”
“What are you two babbling about?”
“Dad, Wyatt just figured out that Kenna has had a crush on him for years, and if I’m not mistaken, I think he just figured out that he’s had feeling for her too.”
“You both are just now figuring this out, are you? I’ve known all that for years. Geez, she would follow Wyatt around like a puppy, doing everything she could think of to get his attention. Then about the time, Kenna started dating, Wyatt became her second father, telling her, who she could see and what she could wear. Wyatt don’t you think you two have wasted enough time. I think you need to take the bull by the horns, so to speak.”
“But she has just gotten out of a really bad relationship Jack. I don’t think she’s ready for another.”
“Wyatt that was six months ago. I think you’re just what she needs. You’re a good man that will treat her right and won’t jerk her around like that scum in California. Just think about it, but if I were you, I wouldn’t think too long.”
“You’re right, Jack. Give me a few days to think on it. The Last thing I want to do, is jump into this before she is ready and Kenna get hurt again.”
“That’s wise and that is why, I know you’ll be good for her.”
We spent another ten minutes unloading the truck. I said my good byes and head back home.
I pulled up to the house and walked through the back door. The door opened up to a mud room and kitchen. I placed the tractor part on the table and went to the fridge to make some lunch. I knew it was 3:00 pm, with all that had happened over the last four hours, I hadn’t gotten a chance to eat.
I had just placed my plate of left over steak and potatoes into the microwave, when Jesse walked in the back door. He looked at the table, where I had sat the tractor’s fuel pump, then looked at me with a frown.
“What the hell Wyatt, did you get lost or something going into town. I’ve been waiting for you almost five hours. Where have you been?”
“Sorry Jess, I got side tracked with sort of an emergency.”
“What sort of emergency?”
“Well, I was coming home, after I picked up the part and I was about ten miles away when I saw this woman broke down on the side of the road. I stopped to help her and when I got out too look at her car. I realized who she was. I got tied up with taking her home and help tow her car here, so Josh can look at it tomorrow when he gets back.”
“Is that the old station wagon over by the barn? It has California plates.”
“Yeah she was moving back home and I had to unload her car and take her stuff to her dad’s place.”
“Well who is it, or is it top secret?”
I walked over to the microwave and took out my plate. I sat down and cut up my steak before answering my aggravating brother.
“It belongs to, Kenna Jamison.”
“What, she moved back home? I haven’t seen her in years. How does she look? Did she ask about me?”
“Jess, you had one date, what like ten years ago. If you remember correctly, that date that you tried so hard to keep a secret from me, got you an ass whooping.”
“Yeah, but were both adults now, maybe she’ll go out with…………
I slammed my fork down on my plate with a loud clank. I stood up and got right in Jesse’s face.
“The reason that you got your ass handed to you last time by me, was you tried to kiss, her. I can’t even imagine, what you’d have in mind for her now, but it’s not happening. Do you understand me?”
“Wow calm down bro, what’s up with the attitude all of a sudden.”
“First of all, I know how you are with women. Second of all, she just got over a really bad break up a few months ago and doesn’t need you sniffing around her like she’s a dog in heat.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll keep my distance, but I think it’s more than just what you said. You figured it out didn’t you?”
I walked back over to my lunch and started eating again. Jesse walked over to me and just stared at me. Finally I answered him.
“Figured what out?”
“That you’ve both had feeling for each other for years.
What, did everyone know that we had feeling for each, except for Kenna and me?
Chapter 5
I lying in bed, I was doing the best that I could, to go back to sleep. With the sunshine and heat pouring into my bedroom, from the bright and cheery light filled windows, going back to sleep was very unlikely. I heard the downstairs phone ring and I put the pillow over my head to block out the intrusive sound. After four rings it stopped. I had just started to doze back off again, when I heard Carson’s irritating voice call up to me.
I got out of bed and ran down the stairs to the hall phone. My dad I guess had not heard of cordless phones. I retrieved the handset, from the table and lifted it to my ear.
“Kenna, sweetie, it’s Mary Lu Walker. The reason I’m calling is I wanted to invite you and your family over for a barbeque Saturday afternoon.”
I’m not sure Mary Lu, but I’ll ask dad and Carson. I’ll let you know later today.
Great, we’re butchering a few of our hogs, Friday and the boys thought it would be fun to pit a half a pig in the back yard. So they are going to take care of that Friday night, and it will be done by Saturday afternoon. If you want to come, remember your bathing suit, because we put in a large hot tub a few years back.
“Okay Mary Lu, I find out and let you know? You have a great day.”
“You too dear, talk to you soon.”
I hung up the phone and walked into the kitchen for a much need caffeine boost. The smell of fresh coffee swirled through the air. I found Carson sitting at the kitchen table sipping his own cup of coffee. I walked over to the cupboard and retrieved my favorite cup, it was pink and had a cute happy bunny saying on it. I set about filling it with dad’s wonderful tasting coffee. I walked back to the table and took my usual place. Some things never change.
“What did Mary Lu, want?”
“The boys are roasting a half a pig in a pit Friday night and they want us to come over Saturday afternoon for a barbeque. I told her, I would have to talk to you and dad, and I call her later today. She also said to pack your swimsuit.”
“Oh, that hot tub of theirs is cool. It’s an in ground type and it can hold like fifteen twenty people. Dad really enjoys it.
With a chuckle, Carson walked out the back door. What was with everyone around here/ I leave for a few years and what they all go nuts?
After Carson had gone out to help dad feed the cattle, I made myself a quick breakfast of peanut butter toast and went into the living room to start unpacking my things. Most of it was my knick-knacks and etc… they would go into the storage area in the barn, up in the loft. I unpacked all my personal items like my flat iron clothing accessories, purses and shoes and took them upstairs. Before I knew it, dad and Carson were walking in the back door, coming in for lunch. I hurried to the kitchen and set about making their lunch of tuna melts and homemade tomato soup.
“Kenna, I heard Mary Lu called this morning about a barbeque Saturday. Do you feel like going, it seems like it might be fun and they have a huge hot tub now, too?”
“I guess if you want to go dad. I can always walk home if I need to.”
“Honey, we live two miles away, that’s a little bit of a walk in the dark. If you want to
come home, we’ll all come home. Won’t we Carson?”
“Why, do I need to come home, just because…Owwww.”
My dad shot Carson a dirty look, after he had kicked him under the table from the sounds of it. What was that all about?
So honey, can you do me a favor and call Mary Lu and tell her we would be happy to come. Ask her, what we can bring and find out what time she wants us there, so I can make sure we’re done with chores by then.
Okay, and remember dad, don’t forget your swimming trunks?
I started laughing and got up to clear the table. But the laugh was on me, when he said.
“I don’t need to remember my swimming trunks, I have a pair already over there.”
I looked at Carson and he was trying not to laugh.
“Why would you have your swimming trunks already over at the Walkers?”
“Because sweetie, I go over there and use the hot tub two or three times a week.”
I just looked at him, through confused squinted eyes.
“Just because, I’m going bald and my middle has gotten bigger, doesn’t mean your father doesn’t have a social life. Your mother God rest her soul, has been gone for sixteen years. William Walker has been gone ten. Mary Lu and I like each other’s company.”
I looked at Carson and he just shrugged his shoulders.
“You know Carson, you could have mentioned this.”
Sis, you’ve had enough on your plate lately.
Dad got up from the table walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“Thanks for the lunch, honey. It was a whole lot better than what your brother would have fixed.”
Then he was out the door. Carson got up and started for the door. He turned and looked at me.
“It’s nice to have you home Kenna, I was really tired of listening to dad complain about my cooking.”
He gave me a wink and then he was strolling out the door to help dad with the morning chores.
Chapter 6